popsockets reviews

Pop…Pop…Pop….is the sound you hear all through my house. What is causing all the ruckus and fun you might ask. We got our fingers on a few sets of PopSockets and things haven’t been the same since. These little guys have all kinds of McGuyver uses. My favourite way to use them was a headphone wrap. I love having my headphones but hate carrying them. They wrap easily around the sockets on the back for use whenever you want to use them. I also really enjoyed them as a media stand for watching my shows.

You can use one socket or two if you want….I guess you could get crazy with three, but whatever. PopSockets do use a little adhesive sticker on the back of them that is reusable with just a little water. I have pulled them off multiple times with nothing left behind on my phones. They do work with cases as well. I could see myself throwing these on a cheap case for the gym or for long commutes, but that is the beauty of them…I can use them when I want and pop them off when I don’t. I guess you could actually find other things to use them for as well if you get creative. I will warn you the button is a little addictive. I found myself using almost like a clicker on a pen. You can grab a pair for only $10 from their site here. Have some fun and customize them up however you want right on their site.

popsocket fully opened

pop socket fully closed